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American Lifeguard - AED defibrillator
Working with AEDs
keywords: AED defibrillator
Thanks to the use of AEDs, thousands of human lives have been saved. An AED (Automated external defibrillator) is an electronic digital device that can be used in measuring and stabilizing a persons heart rhythm. They can also be used in administering shocks in situations where a persons heart has stopped. AED defibrillators are extremely effective and are common fixtures in hospitals, medical centers and on-board with paramedic teams.
Because AED defibrillators are fairly easy to use, almost anyone can learn how to operate one, requiring only a few hours of training. AED based first aid training give people the opportunity to learn how to perform CPR as well as how to cope in different emergency scenarios. AED training also addresses important details such as the different patient positions and appropriate responses.
American Lifeguard Products has carefully chosen AED models that have an excellent reputation for reliable service and ease of use.
There are common misconceptions about the use of an AED defibrillator. One common myth is that an AED can easily hurt a patient. In fact, before administering a shock, AEDs are programmed to analyze and measure a persons cardiac rhythm and will not discharge if rhythm is normal. While AEDs have built in safeguards, the best way of preventing injury is to ensure that you have received thorough training and are working with reliable equipment.
Not everyone can buy an AED. Many suppliers require (in accordance with the directive from the FDA) that buyers present a prescription from a physician when buying a automated external defibrillator device. Regardless of who is buying the defibrillator, American Lifeguard Products offers the most secure avenue for buying rescue equipment and supplies. The site is always a great resource for stocked AED defibrillators as well as other rescue items.
When buying medical supplies online, it is always important to pay attention to the reputation of the company that you are approach. An example of a great site that you can visit for AED defibrillators is American Lifeguard Products. For years, the company has been dedicated to providing superior EMS gear and rescue training equipment to health professionals all around the country. Youll be able to find reliable quality, AED devices. And with the support of their friendly customer service, youll also be able to get brilliant quotes on any other rescue hear you might need. For more information on the company, visit http://www.americanlifeguard.net/.